
posted by Falthorn

I'm going put this little mofo in my pocket wherever I go.

You know.

Just... in... case...


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posted by Falthorn


Put that in your pipe and inject it into your pleasure core, then gleefully roll around in feces for awhile.

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posted by Falthorn

From the dude who rocked your face with Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle '06.

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posted by Falthorn


posted by Falthorn
I haven't read many developer-direct blog posts regarding game balance, and this one is regarding play balance in Super Puzzle Fighter, once of the most engaging 2-player puzzle games ever conceived.

Hot stuff.


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I said the Sherrif is a Ni...

posted by Jeff C

If you've seen "Blazing Saddles" you get the humor of the title, and therefore are probably an intelligent member of society. If you've seen the new Resident Evil 5 trailer and thought, "what the f! this white bastard hates black people" then you are probably ignorant. Case in point, this article on Game Politics with a women from a website called Black Looks has made some very poorly informed statements regarding said trailer. I actually wondered how long it would take before somebody cried foul about this, I mean there was a crazy Mom who saw a video of Castle Crashers and thought they were KKK members killing the homies. I think it will be interesting to see if this affects the production of the game at all. Japan has a very different, not really better or worse, view on people of other ethnic backgrounds whether black, white, red or yellow. Either way, I for one know that black people love me but if there was a black zombie, or white, or even skinless, I would put that muther down faster than Tu-Pac in a drive by.